Singing Guide: Normie Rowe

Singing Guide: Normie Rowe

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

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Sing like Normie Rowe: A Guide to Learn from Australia's King of Pop

Normie Rowe is an Australian pop and rock singer, widely regarded as the country's King of Pop in the 1960s. He had several hits like "Shakin' All Over," "Que Sera Sera," and "It Ain't Necessarily So," among others. Rowe's distinctive style blends powerful vocals with a dynamic stage presence. Rowe's unique sound has made him a legendary performer, and this guide will show you how you can develop a singing style similar to his.

Develop Voice Control and Rhythm

Normie Rowe's most defining attributes include his high-energy, dynamic, and rhythmic delivery, which is hard to replicate, but it's possible. Begin by developing a robust foundation with a singing course such as the one on Singing Carrots. Start by working on your voice control and rhythm with exercises like the Farinelli breathing exercise and the Singing Comfort Zone. Singing with a metronome can also be helpful to work on your rhythm.

Master Chest Voice

Rowe's distinctive voice quality is obtained through his powerful chest voice, which he demonstrates in his song "Shakin' All Over." The chest voice is developed through proper breathing, voice register development, and open throat singing. Learn how to manage your voice registers and strengthen your chest voice through the Singing Carrots' voice register and mixed voice guides.

Power Delivery Through Twang and Belting

Rowe's delivery style involves a potent and bright timbre, characterized by the use of twang and belting. Twang is a vocal technique where singers narrow their pharynx and push more air through to produce a high but focused sound. On the other hand, belting refers to a vocal technique associated with modern pop/rock music, characterized by projecting a loud, clear voice over higher frequencies. Use the Singing Carrots' How to Twang Exercise and Heavy Modal, Twang, Belting guide to help develop these techniques.

Develop Vibrato and Articulation

Rowe's emotive and soulful delivery is aided by his use of vibrato and articulation. Vibrato refers to a rapid pitch fluctuation that adds depth and richness to a sustained note. On the other hand, articulation helps make lyrics meaningful and enhances vocal expression. Practice vibrato using the Singing with Vibrato video, and use the Finger Bite exercise to help develop articulation.

Improve Stage Presence

Performing with confidence and enthusiasm is essential in emulating Rowe's dynamic stage presence. Good posture is critical when singing, and it can help you project and breathe properly. The Singing Carrots team explains how good posture affects your singing here. You should also consider learning how to relax and overcome your performance anxiety with the Relaxing Breath and Overcoming Stage Fright exercises.


Rowe's distinctive pop style has enchanted audiences for decades, and it's no accident that he's billed as Australia's King of Pop. This guide outlines how you can develop the vocal control, power, rhythm, and emotive delivery that made Normie Rowe an Australian music icon. Use the Singing Carrots' resources to work on your singing breathing, voice control, and delivery, and soon you'll be delivering performances like Normie Rowe.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.